Content Screening
MIS has over 30 years of experience as the industry’s foremost content screening service.
Agreements with broadcast and cable networks allow us to view primetime and late-night programs prior to air. Reports are available up to two weeks before the program’s airdate.
Areas of concern are highlighted and summarized for quick reference.
MIS’ content screening reports are a valuable reference for original television programming, off-network syndication or online TV.
Click to download a content screening report sample:
Media Information Services pre-screens over 500 television episodes every month. Our reports provide a scene-by-scene detailed account of the show’s content and highlights areas that may be of concern to advertisers such as gratuitous sex, violence, political issues and controversial subjects. Our content screening service also notifies clients of product or industry specific problems within the show such as car accidents, alcohol and drug use, negative portrayals of companies or any use or mention of a particular brand.
Over the past 30 years, we have developed strong relationships with broadcast and cable networks. Our network partners provide us the opportunity to screen their programs prior to airing. Most reports are available several days before the scheduled airdate. MIS personnel view daily tapings of late-night programs and immediately notify clients of any potential concerns so they can decide whether or not to keep their position within the show. After an original television airing, our reports are used by media buyers who have sponsored the online version of the episode. Past reports are also used as a reference for off-network syndication, available for individual episodes or entire seasons.
MIS’ content screening service is used by nearly all national media buying groups, representing the majority of television advertisers. Guided by our reports, buyers can determine if the episode is an appropriate outlet for their commercial message and if it adheres to their overall guidelines. Content screening reports are an efficient way to protect your brand image and your media investment.
Content Screening Reports Include:
Episode Title
TV Rating
Indication of Repeat Program
Advisories and Disclaimers
Scene-by-Scene Details
Location of Network Commercial Breaks
Product or Industry Specific Issues
Highlighted Areas of Concern such as:
Graphic Images
Drug, Alcohol or Tobacco Use
Sexual Situations or Dialogue
Political Issues